Touchdown Bars

Kick-off your football party and make a touchdown with the kids when you serve good2grow with these fun and healthy snacks, just for them!
Step by step instructions for Touchdown Bars:

1/4 cup creamy unsalted butter (half of one stick)
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
3 cups Apple Cinnamon Cereal
1 cup yogurt covered raisins,
1/2 shredded almond flakes
1/2 sunflower seeds
Sea Salt
1. Line a 8 inch pan with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray.
2. In a microwave safe container, combine butter, honey and brown sugar. Microwave for 1 minute and stir.

3. Microwave again for 1 minute and stir. (Repeat one more time)
4. Add Vanilla extract.

5. Stir in the cereal until coated completely.

6. Add in yogurt covered raisins, almond flakes and sunflower seeds.

7. Pour mixture in prepared container. Spread mixture out and pack tightly.
8. Sprinkle top with extra nuts and raisins. Add some sea salt to top to cut the sweet.

9.Cover pan with a sheet of foil and place pan in fridge to set.
10. Slice into bars and serve with good2grow at your next party!